11 Tips to Increase Productivity While Working from Home

As more companies are shifting to remote work during the pandemic, you may have found yourself struggling to stay productive in your new work environment.

Read on to find out 11 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

11  tips to increase productivity while working from home | productive gal

1. Separate your work space from your living space

If you’re having trouble getting into work mode, make sure to keep your workspace separate. If you have a specific place that you “go to work” each day in your home, it will be easier to adjust from productivity time to relaxation time. 

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2. Make a to-do list at the end of each day for the following day

Ending the day with a to-do list for the next day will allow you to visualize the tasks that need to get done and help you get an idea of how much time you need to spend on each item. If you don’t take the time to plan out your days or weeks, you’ll likely become overwhelmed by the tasks at hand and you won’t have a set schedule for completion.


3. Create a solid morning routine

A morning routine is the best way to get into work-from-home mode and be your most productive self. This allows you to have time for yourself before you start work, which can help you wake up and get excited about the day! Some ideas for your morning routine include: enjoying a cup of coffee, taking a walk, taking care of your pets, reading a chapter of a book, or listening to a podcast. Click here to check out my post on the 10 things you should be doing in the morning.

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4. Take time to exercise

Numerous studies have shown that exercise improves brain function and results in improved productivity. Not to mention, it’s also great for your mental wellbeing! Try taking a walk or going for a jog before work or during your lunch to boost your mood and stay on task. 


5. Listen to music that promotes focus

One of the best parts about working from home is being able to blast your music without having to worry about anyone else! Listening to the right music can boost your performance to new levels! There are some amazing playlists on Spotify that will get your productive juices flowing. Check out Deep Focus, Lo-Fi Beats, Brain Food, and Electronic Focus.

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6. Take your lunch

Just because you’re not bringing lunches to the office or going out to lunch with coworkers doesn’t mean you should stop taking your lunch while working from home! It can be tempting just to work right through the day, but by stopping to refuel and take a mental break, you can increase your afternoon efficiency. Meal prep at the beginning of the week or at night to make sure that you have a nutritious and delicious meal at the ready! Click here to check out 53 Easy Lunch Ideas for those who work from home!


7. Stick to normal hours

Having a remote job can make you feel like you are always on the clock since there is no separation from work life and home life. The best thing that you can do to combat this is by sticking to the normal hours that you would work in the office. If you usually work 9-5, keep those hours and don’t log on once you’re done. If you get in the habit of working a little bit at all times of the day, you will wind up feeling like you can never stop working!

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8. Get dressed for work

Of course one of the best things about working from home is that you don’t have to wear formal clothing everyday. But this shouldn’t stop you from getting dressed for work! While it is totally unnecessary to wear any uncomfortable or formal clothing if you don’t want to, changing into fresh clothing in the morning can do wonders for your productivity. 


9. Keep your workspace clean

A clean space promotes a clear mind that is ready to face any obstacle that arises throughout the day! Make sure to declutter and keep your workspace organized to stay productive. Click here to check out the steps to organizing your workspace for maximized productivity. 

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10. Let natural light into your space & add greenery

Studies show that brighter light can help increase productivity, so turn on the lights and get to work! While it might be nice to keep the lights off and cozy up in your bed with your laptop all day, it might be killing your productivity levels! Let natural light into your space and add greenery to boost your mood and your performance!


11. Stay connected to coworkers

Working from home can make you feel isolated if you are used to going into an office environment everyday that is bustling with people. Make sure to keep in touch with your coworkers by using video conferencing technologies and phone calls, so that you can still participate in team building and socializing while being remote.


There you have it! I’ve been working remotely for about 2 years now and I have used all of these tips & tricks to stay productive (and sane) ! I hope these 11 ways can help you be your most productive self while working from home.