10 Steps to Designing a Home Office That Will Keep You Insanely Productive

The design and decor of your home office can have a HUGE impact on your productivity levels. By carefully curating the perfect home office elements and strategically organizing, you can become INSANELY productive in your workspace. Read on if want to find out exactly how to design your home office the right way!

1. Pick the perfect desk

First things first, you’ve got to have the right desk! The first step to deciding what kind of desk is right for you is evaluating the space that you have for your home office. Is your home office a small section of a living space? Is it located in a spare bedroom in your home? Or do you have a separate room that is only used as your office space? Each of these different scenarios might require a different desk for you.

If your space is in the middle of a living space, opt for more built-in storage, so you can easily store away the work-related items and papers that you don’t want to constantly be looking at. If you have a larger, separate space for your home office, look for a larger desk that either has built-in storage or is just a sleek and simple, eye-catching piece. 

More important than how large or small of a desk you have is your organization skills. Having a clean desk is going to make you INSANELY more productive than if it were to be messy and cluttered. Click here to read the steps for organizing your desk to maximize productivity. 

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2. Set up & supplies

Now that you’ve decided on the perfect desk, it’s time to set it up! Every productive person has a few of the same things in common — they keep tools on their desk that help them stay organized! So go pick up some desk organization tools from your local Home Goods, Target, or Amazon!

Don’t forget your paper planner or calendar to keep your schedule in check and of course, an amazing set of pens.


3. Invest in a comfortable chair

Next step is to pick out the perfect chair! While this might seem like an easy task, it’s important to remember that if you’re going to be working from home for an extended period of time, you will be spending a lot of time in your office chair! This is the single most important area of your home office to splurge. Make sure to invest in a really comfortable and quality chair so you won’t regret your purchase!

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4. Bring in cozy elements

If you want to be super productive in your home office, it’s important to design the space with comfort in mind! Adding in elements that make the space cozy is the perfect way to do this. One idea is to bring in a super soft throw rug for under your feet, or a comfy throw blanket to use if you get cold while working.

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5. Adjust the ambiance

If you want to be laser focused, you need to have the right ambiance! Part of that is playing the right background music to help you stay productive all day long. For me, instrumental, focus playlists from Spotify do the trick, but for you, it might be classical or even country music. 

Pick up a Google Home or Alexa smart device and play your Spotify or Apple music tracks on speaker to increase your focus. The best part is that these smart devices can be used for so much more like making lists, setting timers, changing the temperature in your home, or answering questions!

Another great way to adjust the ambiance in your home office to get your productivity flowing is to light candles in your workspace. This can help you to destress and keep you focused on the tasks at hand!

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6. Add inspiring artwork

If you want your home office to be inspiring, motivational and just all around the place where you get the most things done, then you have to fill it with inspirational items! Artwork is an amazing way to achieve this effect. Not only does artwork fill the space making it look more aesthetically pleasing, but it will help you feel happier to be in the space

If you’re looking for something else to hang on your office wall other than artwork, create a vision board! A vision board is an office essential, as it will help you manifest the goals you are working towards. Click here to learn more about how you can create the perfect vision board.

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7. Use color science to set the mood

The color of your office is SO important! It will set the tone for your workspace and if you want to be insanely productive, the color of your walls must scream productivity. If you have all neutral colored walls in your space, try painting an accent wall in a color that will increase your focus and creativity.

Blue will help to stimulate your concentration, yellow will help you stay more positive, and green will keep you calm and balanced. 

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8. Light up the space

If you want to be your most productive self, you have to have the right lighting! Your home office should have a few different sources of lighting, so you can easily adjust throughout the day. Brighter lighting is associated with increased focus, so make sure to allow lots of natural light into your space, but also having a secondary source of light within the space. 


9. Get creative with storage

A super organized and productive office is one that is strategic with storage options! Storage is not just limited to closet space! By adding in storage elements like a trunk, floating shelves, cube organizers, decorative boxes, and supply organizers, you can keep the clutter away from your workspace and in its rightful place!

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10. Bring in the greenery

Adding green plants to your home office will really elevate the space, making it feel more comfortable and calming. Having houseplants where you work will not only make you feel better, but it helps to purify the air! 

Green plants also add a pop of color and they brighten your space, as well. Some of the best low-maintenance houseplants to add to your office are aloe, succulents, and bamboo palms.

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There you have it! Now you know ALL of the steps to design the perfect home office space!