10 Things You Should Be Doing in the Morning to Be More Productive

If you are working on being a more productive person, it is essential to have a solid morning routine! There are a bunch of things that you can do every morning to help you become your most productive self!

Read on for the 10 things you should be doing in the morning to be more productive.

10 Things you should be doing in the morning to be more productive | productive gal

1. Exercise

By exercising in the morning you will feel refreshed, awake and ready to take on anything that comes your way in the day. Not only is it great for your health, but it will boost your mood & productivity levels!


2. Create a to-do list

So many people do not take the time to plan out their days.  By creating an awesome to do list first thing in the morning you will be able to figure out how much time each task is going to take you and create a plan of action for completing these items. If you really want to be the queen of productivity, you have to plan!


3. Listen to podcasts

In the morning, you should try to learn something new to start your day off right whether that is through listening to podcasts, reading a chapter in a book, or watching a YouTube video. Listening to podcasts is a great way to start the day because you can easily do this while getting ready, eating breakfast, exercising or doing anything else in your morning routine.


4. Eat breakfast

By skipping breakfast in the morning, you are depriving yourself of the energy that you need to get through the day and to be your most productive self. it doesn’t have to be a large breakfast, but make sure to make it nutritious! If you are currently skipping breakfast, this will do wonders for your productivity levels.


5. Drink water 

If you are waking up in the morning and not drinking any water, you are most definitely going to be dehydrated throughout your day. This can make you feel tired and sluggish and in order to keep your productivity levels high, you need to be hydrated!

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6. Make coffee

While the benefits of coffee can definitely be debated, a cup of Joe in the morning can be that kickstart that you need to keep your energy up throughout the day. So treat yourself to your favorite Java and if you want to save money, have it at home!


7. Affirmations

You can’t start the day without telling yourself that you can do it! Break out the affirmations and boost your mood in the mornings. Some examples of affirmations include: “I will stay positive, I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to today, and I am going to have a great day.”


8. Make your bed

A messy bed is not conducive to being a highly-successful person. If you make your bed in the morning, you will feel ready to head out and achieve the goals that you set out to!


9. Let natural light in

If you want to be on your A-game, make sure to light natural light into your space in the mornings. This will help you to fully wake up and sunshine is a great mood booster!


10. Don’t hit snooze

While it can be tempting to set your alarm for earlier than you need to wake up and keep on snoozing, it is killing your productivity! Hitting snooze is only going to make you feel even more exhausted when you finally get up and that is not going to help you get stuff done!

There you have it! Those are the 10 things you should be doing in the morning to help you have a more productive day!