25+ Daily Positive Affirmations To Change Your Mindset

If you are looking to boost your positivity and enter into your most successful mindset, affirmations can be the key! By affirming these statements daily, you will begin to feel more confident in yourself and more positive in your mood.

What exactly are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you can use as words of encouragement and motivation. If you have trouble believing in yourself or feeling confident about your abilities, these simple statements can completely transform your mindset to help you recognize your talents, your strengths, and even your weaknesses.

So let’s get to it! You can use affirmations whenever you see fit but starting the week off with affirmations, or saying them in stressful times when you are feeling discouraged can help you shift your mindset. Some people say them while looking in a mirrors and others write them down in a journal — find what works best for you and stick with it!

Let’s get to the affirmations:

I am in charge of my own destiny.
I believe in myself.
I am grateful for all that I have.
I am confident in who I am and my abilities.
I accept myself just as I am.
I am resilient and can get through anything.
I will remain focused on my goals, even through difficult times.
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I have the strength to overcome any obstacles.
I attract wealth and opportunity into my life.
I forgive myself for the mistakes that I have made.
I will not compare myself to others.
I am worthy of happiness and love.
I am creating the life of my dreams.
I am unaffected my the judgement of others.
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I know I am making a difference.
Fear of failure does not control me.
Today will be a successful day.
I am proud of the person I am becoming.
I will let go of things that do not serve a purpose in my life.
I am intelligent and strong.
Today I will learn and grow.
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My positive thoughts create positive feelings.
I have the power to create change.
I stand up for what I believe in.
I will get better everyday.
I will celebrate the small wins.