9 Productive Things You Should Do Instead of Watching TV

If you’re like me, you could find a show on Netflix that you love and binge-watch it every night after work or school until you’ve watched EVERY episode of every season. While sometimes it can be essential for relaxing and reducing stress, binge-watching TV is one of the BIGGEST time-wasting activities you can do. 

If you want to work towards your goals, whether that is getting straight-A’s this semester, starting your own business, or simply learning more often, you HAVE to kick the Netflix addiction. I did it, and so can you! And once you finally curb the TV habit, you’ll never look back, because you will have SO much more time to focus on more important things. Say goodbye to TV (most of the time) and hello to the best version of yourself! 

Alright, let’s get to it! Here are 9 productive things you can and should be doing instead of watching TV.

1. Read a book or listen to a podcast

Instead of watching a mindless TV show, swap your daily habit with one that will expand your mind! Reading can provide numerous benefits such as reducing stress levels, strengthening your brain, improving your vocabulary, and preventing age-related cognitive decline. 

If reading is not your thing, there are SO many amazing podcasts out there that can teach you new skills and things you never knew before! Some of my favorites are Ted Talks Daily and Freakonomics. 

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2. Clean & Organize your home

Decluttering is never a bad idea and it’s never a waste of time. If you’ve been neglecting your closet or desk or any space in your home, spending your TV time cleaning will improve your mood and give you peace of mind, so you can be your most productive self! Click here to learn the 5 easy steps to organizing your workspace to maximize productivity.


3. Plan out your goals & future

While TV can be a major time waster, making plans for the future is NEVER a waste of time. If you are debating whether you should binge watch reruns of the office tonight or make a plan to achieve your goals — financial, educational, health, etc. — you should definitely focus on those goals! By setting aside time to make action plans for your goals and writing them down (or creating a vision board), you will begin to manifest those goals.


4. Start a side hustle

Why waste time watching TV shows when you could be making money? If you have been thinking of starting a side hustle or just simply adding a new stream of income, spending your usual TV time on this can help you build up your new gig. 

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5. Exercise

We all know that exercising is much better for us than watching TV. Yet many of us ignore this fact and fall victim to Netflix’s addictive nature by getting involved in more TV shows then we care to admit. But instead of watching TV today, I challenge you to use this time to exercise! Or simply exercise while watching TV! Afterwards, you will feel SO much better and it will leave you feeling more energized.


6. Make a budget

If you have been wondering how you can save money or get more control over your finances, making a budget is a great place to start! Instead of watching TV, you can use that time to map out all of your expenses and budget for your future. When you know more about your spending and your finances, it will be easier to reach your financial goals! For tons of personal finance info, check out this great resource: Smith, CPA & Financial Services, Inc. 


7. Take a class

Is there something in your mind that you’ve been dying to take a class on, but you’ve never actually done it? Maybe it’s painting, cooking, fitness, or even surfing — whatever it is, your TV time would be much better spent enriching yourself and learning something new!

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8. Volunteer

Do you want to make a difference and feel better, too? Trading your time spent on TV with volunteering is an AMAZING way to be more productive, and you can actually help other people! Plus, volunteering can do wonders for your own mental health and happiness. 


9. Meal Prep

Last, but NOT least, spending time meal prepping instead of watching TV is a great way to increase your productivity levels, because not having to make meals throughout the week will save you SO much time. You can even do this one while watching TV!

There you have it! I hope you can use these 9 things to do instead of watching TV to your advantage so you can be your most productive self!

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About Productive Gal

If you are seeking ways to hack your life to be more productive, organized, and successful, you’ve come to the right place! Productive Gal is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to unlock your true potential, achieve the goals you set out to, and live your BEST life!